
我们办公室雇佣了许多学生来协助策划, 实现, and administrative duties associated with supporting campus events and student clubs and organizations. 我们的学生工作人员努力支持校园里的所有学生, 并且会热情地帮助你参与其中!

我们办公室雇佣了许多学生来协助策划, 实现, and administrative duties associated with supporting campus events and student clubs and organizations. 我们的学生工作人员努力支持校园里的所有学生, 并且会热情地帮助你参与其中!

Review the descriptions below for more information about the roles and responsibilities of our student employees. 

The Student Run 设计中心 provides a graphic design resource to all on-campus clubs and organizations, 以及大学院系. 员工都是勤工俭学的学生, 设计中心创作和设计海报, flyers, banners, 以及其他广告和宣布事件的工具. 请注意,请求确实需要 至少七个 工作日完成. Late requests may not be accommodated depending on 设计中心 workload. Students utilize Mac workstations and the Adobe Creative Suite to make these banners, posters, club logos, t恤设计.

To submit a request, please select the area that applies to you or your group below: 

Senate-Chartered俱乐部 & 组织           Departments & Non-Senate-Chartered俱乐部

Please note: Banner space must be booked BEFORE the banner request is submitted.
Requests can be submitted online via Hawk Link using the following link:

Banner & A-Frame预订申请表


  • 所有设计工作需要七个工作日
  • Three business days required for each design change (maximum of three changes)
  • 工作是在“先进先出”的基础上处理的
  • 设计和布局的最终决定权在于艺术家
  • Flyer copies printed in SPLO for organizations or departments are charged to the respective organization or department account
  • Flyer copies printed in SPLO for clubs are charged to the Student Senate
  • Departments must pick up any posters, flyers, or other completed work
  • All 设计中心 charges are billed to departments at the end of each semester. Questions about billing should be directed to the SPLO Administrative Assistant.

For any questions or comments about the status of a 设计中心 request, please contact us at designcenter@flcoastline.com.  


Students who have experience with the Adobe Creative suite and have been awarded Federal Work Study can contact Robin Lancaster about potential employment opportunities in the 设计中心. 

大厦管理人员协助悬挂横幅, 协助学生广告, event setup, 出席活动, 为俱乐部/组织的广告摆桌子, 以及其他与学生活动相关的各种任务. This is a 工资的位置 and is typically held by student leaders in their junior and senior years.  

Students who hold this position will help supervise the Hawks' Hangout (the lower area in the Campus Recreation Center) to ensure that billiards tables, 桌上足球桌, televisions, and board games are available to any students during building hours. This is a work study 职位,可由任何学生担任.  

在我们的总部, 我们雇佣学生协助处理文书工作, 重大项目, budgeting, 提供我们的事件和活动的信息, 以及其他以客户服务为导向的任务. 我们与学生合作,以匹配学生的技能, talents, 以及全年分配各种项目的热情. This is a work study 职位,可由任何学生担任.  

Our social media presence is maintained by a team of undergraduate students who create and share content related to involvement, engagement, 学生的经历. Our team implements innovative marketing strategies to grow the audiences of each account and increase engagement with our department. In addition, our team measures and documents the impact of social media by studying analytics, 然后为将来提出建议. 突出校园里发生的事件, our team attends campus events to take pictures and capture video footage, 在享受乐趣和享受活动的同时. 伴随着营销努力, our team designs graphics and other materials for posting on social media and print publications (i.e. flyers). 这个位置是 work study 职位,可由任何学生担任 with design, marketing, and/or social media experience. 

Students who are interested in any of these roles should contact Student Programs, Leadership, & 电话:(401)254-3088或电子邮件 studentprograms@flcoastline.com. 

Interested in working with Roger's very own mascot, Swoop the Hawk? 突击队 works with Swoop to enhance engagement on campus and celebrate alongside the student body. The position can include the mascot position itself or the handler for Swoop. This is a work study position. 

Events Staff is responsible for implementing the programs and events put on by our student organizations, 俱乐部和部门. Our student Event Staff is responsible for the physical set-up operations, security and break down of all events. 这包括设置管道和窗帘, setting up lighting and sound systems through rigging and design, 为不同的校园空间设计座位和桌子, 利用投影和视觉设备进行演示, 培训闭路电视摄像机设备, 以及与事件执行相关的其他任务.  

Event Staff members who show more interest in learning lighting design, 音频控制, and other "back of house" components during a show or performance can gain hands-on experience working alongside the Manager and Assistant Manager of Event Operations. In this role, while it is helpful for students to have previous knowledge of sound boards and lighting software, 这不是必需的, as students will have the opportunity to learn through training with our Event Staff professional staff.  

If you are interested in this role, please contact Gordon Wood, Manager of Event Operations at gwood@flcoastline.com